

15 MAY 2014

The 2014 Inkwell Trophy – Friday 23rd May

The draw has been announced for Freers 2nd annual Inkwell Golf Tournament at Middlesbrough Golf Club (“Brass”) on the afternoon of Friday 23rd May


12 NOVEMBER 2013

Legal Secretary Vacancy

We have a vacancy for a full time legal secretary to assist our property and private client departments in our Middlesbrough office.

Private Client

04 OCTOBER 2013

Dobson & Sleeman Solicitors Closure – Arrangements With Freers Regarding Wills & Deeds

It is with great regret and sadness that we have learnt of the closure of another established and popular firm of solicitors situated on Baker Street.


04 OCTOBER 2013

Transfer Deadline Exclusive!

Freers paraded their latest signing today with the introduction of central midfield dynamo Sam McGovern!

Family Law

01 OCTOBER 2013

Deborah Greenwood Unveiled as New Associate Solicitor With Freers

Freers Solicitors are proud to announce that Deborah Greenwood has joined the firm this week to enhance our Family Department with her skills and experience in the field of Children Law.



Freers 1st Inkwell Tournament Gets off to a Successful Start - (Pics)

Freers first annual Inkwell Golf Tournament got off to a successful start on Friday 23rd August. A sunny start to the afternoon allowed just enough time for all 20 players to get round the course before the thunderstorm struck.


19 AUGUST 2013

The Inkwell Trophy – Friday 23rd August 12.30pm

We are pleased to announce a full compliment of competitors for the Freers 1st annual Inkwell trophy.


28 MAY 2013

Freers Golf Day

Freers first annual golf day will take place on the afternoon of Friday 23rd August at Middlesbrough Golf Club, Brass Castle Lane.


16 APRIL 2013

Help Save Legal Aid : Sign the Government Petition Now

“The MOJ should not proceed with their plans to reduce access to justice by depriving citizens of legal aid or the right to representation by the Solicitor of their choice.”