FGM Cases

Protecting young girls in the UK

FGM is illegal in the UK. Female Genital Mutilation Protection Order (FGMPO) is one way to safeguard young girls from FGM.

How we can help

Female Genital Mutilation Protection Order (FGMPO)

These orders offer a legal means to protect and safeguard victims and potential victims of FGM. FGMPOs are granted by a court and are unique to each case. They contain conditions to protect a victim or potential victim from FGM.

FGM is illegal in the UK. It's also illegal to take a British national or permanent resident abroad for FGM, or to help someone trying to do this.

FGM is also found in the UK amongst members of migrant communities. It is estimated that approximately 60,000 girls aged 0-14 were born in England and Wales to mothers who had undergone FGM. UK communities that are most at risk of FGM include Kenyan, Somali, Sudanese, Sierra Leonean, Egyptian, Nigerian and Eritrean.

Speak to Jonathan

Jonathan manages our excellent Childcare Law team who work closely with families in crisis to achieve the best outcome for children.

Jonathan Woodhouse

Director & Head of Childcare Law