Do I Need a Will?…

April 6, 2018

Experienced Solicitor Sarah Stainsby, talks us through why it’s so important to plan for your future and make a Will.

The Importance of Making a Will

Experienced Solicitor Sarah Stainsby, talks us through why it’s so important to plan for your future and make a Will.

We understand that many people put off the often difficult task of future planning, and speaking with your loved ones regarding life after death is not necessarily the top of your conversation list. But you’ve worked hard for what you have and more than likely paid enough tax too, so surely you should decide where your assets and belongings go to once you die? The answer is a definite yes.

In a recent study, it was found that over two-thirds of adults in the UK do not have a Will and a high percentage of those adults, have children under the age of 18. Without a Will, you could find:

Your situation is unique and the current Government rules surrounding Wills and inheritance, are very black and white and certainly don’t take in to account personal relationships and friendships you may have. It is highly unlikely that the law will take in to account your wishes, unless stated in your Will. It is usually cohabitees and divorced couples with children and step children that are affected the most.

Even if you believe your situation is ‘simple’, you still need to make a Will.

At Freers Askew Bunting, we understand that not all of our clients can make it in to our offices to discuss making a Will, so where necessary, we can arrange a home visit. As well as Will writing, our experienced team of Solicitors also deal with Lasting Powers of Attorney, Probate, Estate Administration, Trusts, Care for the Elderly and much more.

Sarah is an experienced Solicitor at Freers Askew Bunting, dealing solely with private client Wills and Probate matters. To speak with Sarah, simply call our Baker Street office on 01642 244666.